The Service Deli
Summary:  The Co-Packing Network is involved with products (start-ups, emerging brands, our own) relating to the in-store deli.  The in-store deli is one of the most visited sections of the grocery store (also natural retailer, mass merchant, Military commissary).  In-Store Delis carry a mix of prepared foods, salad bars, behind-the-counter options, cheeses, meat snacks, hummus and much more.
New Trends Include Meal Kits
Meal kits are one area that shows opportunity to expand sales in that department, as more and more retailers add either their own store-made variations or partner with branded meal kit providers. Sales of these items have grown 26% in supermarkets in the past year, according to Nielsen research.
New Meet and Greet In-Store Deli Website
The Co-Packing Network is creating a dedicated in-store deli site for both brands and manufacturers and the key category managers related to the in-store deli.  Our will be active soon to help introduce new brands for both in front of the counter and behind-the-counter.  Retail formats that have in-store delis include natural retailers, supermarkets, mass merchants, Military commissaries, limited assortment stores and others.